Dietitians Australia is the leading voice in nutrition and dietetics in Australia.
Our mission is to champion the professional nutrition and dietetic workforce to empower people and communities.
We help build healthier communities by communicating credible and timely nutrition messages to the public. Through advocacy, we campaign for healthy food systems that are accessible for Australians. We also work to foster world-class research to support evidence-based practice.

Our people
We're led by a qualified board of directors, senior management team and Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
All of our staff are passionate about improving health outcomes for Australians and advancing the field of dietetics.
Our membership is made up of 9000 dietetic professionals. Each year we recognise their achievements and support professional development through grants and scholarships.
Our governance structures run independently from our Board.
This includes the Dietitian and Nutritionist Regulatory Council (DNRC) who are responsible for the upholding the standards of the APD credential, and also the standards set by the National Alliance of Self Regulating Health Professionals.
Our media releases support our commitment to sharing evidence-based messages to help Australians lead healthier lives.
Our spokespeople can provide nutrition advice on a range of topics to the media.
Partners and advertising
We've established affiliations and partnerships with organisations that support our mission to build healthier communities through nutrition.
We also offer advertising opportunities for organisations to reach our community of dietitians.
Get in touch
Our national office is located in Canberra. Contact us to speak with one of our friendly staff.
We regularly share news and updates on our social media channels. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn.