The fees you can expect to see a dietitian can vary. When you visit an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) you may be eligible for assistance from:
- Medicare
- the Department of Veterans' Affairs
- the NDIS
- your private health fund
- your compensation fund
Fees to see a dietitian
We don't set fee guidelines for dietitians. The cost will depend on the type of service that you receive. Contact your dietitian to find out about their fees. Many dietitians also offer concession rates.
Medicare rebates
If you have a care plan from your GP, Medicare may provide a rebate for visits to APDs to help manage chronic health conditions. Your GP might write you a care plan to help manage:
- arthritis
- eating disorders
- diabetes
- kidney disease
- heart disease
- other chronic conditions
You will need to pay the gap between the APDs fee and the Medicare rebate.
The number of visits eligible for the rebate depends on your care plan.
If you have diabetes (type 2) and a referral from your GP, Medicare rebates are available for some group services. The group services must be provided by eligible diabetes educators, exercise physiologists and dietitians.
Contact Medicare for details about rebates.
Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA)
The Department of Veterans' Affairs may cover the costs to see an APD if you have an assessed clinical need and a:
- Veteran Gold Card
- Veteran White Card and your treatment is for an accepted service-related condition
Contact the Department of Veterans' Affairs for more information.
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
NDIS participants may be able to access support to see a dietitian. Fee assistance is based on your NDIS plan and goals.
NDIS participants can access funding for dietetic services under the following support categories:
- Capacity building: Improved health and wellbeing
- Core support: Improved daily living (includes childhood early intervention)
- Core: Assistance with daily life
Contact the NDIS for more information.
Private health insurance
Most private health funds cover visits to APDs in private practice.
Contact your insurer to see what's covered by your health insurance policy.
Compensation funds
Visits to an APD may be covered by your compensation fund, including:
- Comcare
- Return to Work South Australia
- Transport Accident Commission (VIC)
- WorkSafe Queensland
- WorkSafe Victoria
To find out more contact your compensation fund.