All dietitians should deliver safe, effective, and evidence-based services. 

You can make a complaint to the Dietitian and Nutritionist Regulatory Council (DNRC) if you're worried about the conduct of: 

  • an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) 
  • a member of Dietitians Australia. 

We cannot process complaints about all dietitians and situations. Follow our checklist before making a complaint.

The Dietitian and Nutritionist Regulatory Council (DNRC) 

The DNRC is an independent council of Dietitians Australia. It oversees complaints submitted to Dietitians Australia.  

The DNRC can accept complaints for: 

  • dietitians who hold the Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) credential  
  • members of Dietitians Australia who are not APDs.

Code of Conduct 

The Code of Conduct for dietitians and nutritionists sets out the legal requirements, professional behaviour and conduct expectations for dietitians and nutritionists in all Australian settings. 

Complaints submitted to us must involve a breach of the Code to proceed through the complaints process.

Checklist for making a complaint 

We cannot process complaints about all dietitians and situations. Consider the following before submitting a complaint to us: 

  • who is the complaint about? 
  • does it involve a breach of the Code of Conduct? 
  • types of complaints we cannot investigate 
  • other ways to resolve your concerns.

How to make a complaint  

To submit a complaint, follow the below steps. The complaints process is detailed in our Complaints and Disciplinary Procedures By-Law.

Step 1
Read our checklist

Before submitting your complaint, read our checklist for making a complaint. This will help confirm your complaint is able to be processed by us.  

This includes reading the Code of Conduct for dietitians and nutritionists.

Step 2
Complete the complaint form

Download and complete the complaints form.

Download complaint form (PDF)

Download complaint form (DOCX)

If you need help completing the form, you can contact us at 02 6189 1200 or sends email)

Step 3
Submit the form

Email your completed form to sends email) or post it to:

Private and Confidential  
Dietitians Australia  
PO Box 2087  
WODEN ACT 2606  

You will receive acknowledgment of your complaint within 7 business days.

Complaints process and outcome

Your complaint will be treated seriously and confidentially, in line with the By-Law Complaints and Disciplinary Procedures.

Where needed, the complaint can be remediated through:

  • education
  • extra mentoring
  • peer support
  • other practice guidance

Suspension or expulsion is only considered if remediation is insufficient or the practitioner is unwilling to accept or participate in the process. Expelled and suspended members are listed publicly on our website.

For more information read our Complaints and Disciplinary Procedures By-Law.

Get in touch

If you have questions about our complaints process, contact us at sends email)

Expelled and suspended members and Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs) for disciplinary reasons.
Our professional standards and scope of work for dietitians working in Australia. Our standards ensure dietitians deliver high-quality dietetic services.
APDs and members of Dietitians Australia adhere to a Code of Conduct. This code provides guidance on your rights and responsibilities when seeing an APD.