The fees in this section are valid until 31 March 2025. We usually adjust our prices on 1 April each year.

In most cases, skills recognition fees are non-refundable.

Where applicable, we've included GST in our prices.

On this page

DSR fees, refunds and other costs

If you're applying for Dietetic Skills Recognition (DSR), fees will apply.

We charge separate fees at each of the 3 stages of DSR:

  • DSR assessment
  • multiple-choice question (MCQ) exam
  • oral exam

There are also fees for appealing, reapplying or resitting any stage of our DSR process.

All costs related to an assessment are to be covered by the applicant.

Stage 1: DSR assessment fees

DSR assessment is the first stage of our process. Most applicants can't sit our exams without an assessment.

Type of fee

This fee applies if...

Cost (A$)

Stage 1: DSR assessment

You're an overseas-qualified dietitian applying for DSR in Australia


Reapplying for your DSR assessment

If your DSR assessment expires and you have to reapply, you'll pay the fee again. Your DSR assessment is valid for 3 years. You must pass all stages of DSR and join the APD Program while your DSR assessment is still valid.

Next steps

Stage 2: MCQ exam fees

The multiple-choice question (MCQ) exam is the second stage of our DSR process. Most applicants need a valid DSR assessment before they can apply to sit the MCQ exam.

Type of fee

This fee applies if...

Cost (A$)

Stage 2: MCQ exam

You're applying for DSR


Resitting your exam

If you need to resit an exam, you will pay the fee again. You can sit the exam up to 3 times.

Next steps

Stage 3: Oral exam fees

The oral exam is the final stage of our DSR process. You must pass the MCQ exam before you can apply to sit the oral exam.

Type of fee

This fee applies if...

Cost (A$)

Stage 3: Oral exam

You've passed your MCQ exam


Resitting your exam

If you need to resit an exam, you will pay the fee again. You can sit the exam up to 3 times.

Next steps

DSR changes, refunds and cancellations

In most cases, your DSR fees are non-refundable.

MCQ exam date change fee

If you want to change the date of your MCQ exam, you might have to pay a transfer fee.

Type of fee

This applies if...

Cost (A$)

MCQ exam date transfer

MCQ exam date transfer


MCQ exam cancellations

If you withdraw from your exam, you might get a partial refund on your exam fee.

If you withdraw from your MCQ exam...

You'll get a...

Up to 4 weeks before your exam date

50% refund

2 to 4 weeks before your exam date

20% refund

Less than 2 weeks before your exam date

No refund

Oral exam cancellations

If you withdraw from your exam, you might get a partial refund on your exam fee.

If you withdraw from your oral exam...

You'll get a...

Up to 2 weeks before your exam date

50% refund

Less than 2 weeks before your exam date

No refund

Appeals and special consideration fees

In some situations, you might have the right to appeal your DSR assessment or exam results.

If you apply for an appeal, you pay the relevant Level 1 fee.

If you apply for a review of the outcome of your first appeal, you then pay the relevant Level 2 fee.

If you experience severe or sudden circumstances that might affect your exam performance, you might be eligible for special consideration.

Type of fee

This fee applies if...

Cost (A$)

DSR assessment appeal — Level 1

You want to appeal the outcome of your DSR assessment


DSR assessment appeal — Level 2

You want us to review the outcome of your Level 1 DSR assessment appeal


MCQ exam appeal — Level 1

You want to appeal the results of your MCQ exam


MCQ exam appeal — Level 2

You want us to review the outcome of your Level 1 MCQ exam appeal


Oral exam appeal — Level 1

You want to appeal the results of your oral exam


Oral exam appeal — Level 2

You want us to review the outcome of your Level 1 oral exam appeal


Special consideration fee

You're applying for special consideration for your MCQ or oral exam


Next steps

Other DSR costs

You'll need to pay for any extra costs associated with preparing your DSR application, including:

  • an English language test (if required)
  • getting and sending certified copies of documents
  • equipment needed to sit your exams

Skills migration assessment fees

If you're moving to Australia, you might need a skills migration assessment for your visa application. As Australia's dietetic skills assessing authority, we offer skills migration assessments for dietitians.

Type of fee

This fee applies if...

Cost (A$)

Skills migration assessment

You're applying for a skills migration assessment to get an Australian visa


Skills migration assessment appeal

You're appealing the outcome of your assessment


Next steps

Mutual recognition assessment fees

In some cases, we offer mutual recognition of dietetic skills. You can apply if your qualification comes from a region where we have a mutual recognition agreement.

Type of fee

This fee applies if...

Cost (A$)

Mutual recognition assessment (offshore)

You're applying for a mutual recognition assessment because your qualification comes from a region where we have a mutual recognition agreement


Next steps

Payment options

We offer several payment options for your skills recognition fees.

All payments must be in Australian dollars.

Credit card

  • You can pay online using a Visa or Mastercard only.
  • We process online payments immediately on a secure site.
  • Once you pay, we'll email you a tax receipt.

Electronic funds transfer (EFT)

If you want to pay by EFT, please select 'Payment by Cheque' on your online application.

Once you've finished your online application, contact us about EFT payment details at sends email)

Money order or bank cheque

Send your bank cheque or money order, along with your application form or copy of your DSR confirmation, to:

DSR Administrator
Dietitians Australia
PO Box 2087
Woden ACT 2606

Once we process your payment, we'll email you a tax receipt.

Get in touch

If you have questions about skills recognition fees and payments, contact us at sends email)

Find out how dietitians with overseas qualifications can apply for Dietetic Skills Recognition (DSR) to become an Accredited Practising Dietitian in Australia.
We're Australia's official skills assessing authority for dietitians. If you want to work in Australia, you can apply to us for a skills migration assessment.
A mutual recognition agreement recognises your training and experience as eligible to work in the country. Find out who we have a mutual recognition agreement with.