The Dietitian and Nutritionist Regulatory Council (DNRC) is the governance structure responsible for overseeing the profession's regulatory functions. It aims to protect the public by ensuring practitioners are safe and effective in their practice and to uphold our professional standards. 

The main functions of the Dietitian and Nutritionist Regulatory Council (DNRC) are to:

  • set the strategic plan for regulatory functions of the profession
  • define and regulate professional conduct and credentialing standards
  • oversee complaints against our credentialed dietitians and nutritionists
  • govern accreditation standards and accreditation of training programs
  • govern qualifications for entry into the profession

View the DNRC Terms of Reference

DNRC composition

The DNRC comprises of 7 voting members appointed by the Dietitians Australia Board for a 3 year term.

The composition of the DNRC will include:

  • Chairperson: appointed by the Board from among the dietetic members of the Council for a three-year term. The Chairperson cannot concurrently hold office as a Director of Dietitians Australia.
  • Deputy Chairperson: a member of the Council appointed by the Council, serving concurrently with the Chairperson's term.
  • Members: 7 voting members, including the Chair, appointed by the Board for a 3 year term with an option for a second 3 year term, comprising:
    • 5 senior dietitians
    • 2 external representatives: 1 member with accreditation and/or credentialling expertise from another profession and 1 representative with regulatory experience.
    • To ensure continuity of membership, 2 dietitian members and 1 of the external appointees shall retire after the first year as determined by lot but are eligible to be appointed.
  • Secretariat: as appointed by the CEO (non-voting).
  • Staff: Head of Regulatory Services (non-voting). 
External members

Further information

For further information on the DNRC please contact

Our professional standards and scope of work for dietitians working in Australia. Our standards ensure dietitians deliver high-quality dietetic services.
These standards describe the function of a dietitian working in Australia. We use the standards to accredit dietetic education and assessment programs. You can use them to understand the dietetic skills needed in Australian health care.
The Australian Dietetics Council (ADC) is the governance structure for our accreditation and recognition services and has been operating since 1 July 2009.