The Dietitian and Nutritionist Regulatory Council (DNRC) is the governance structure responsible for overseeing the profession's regulatory functions. It aims to protect the public by ensuring practitioners are safe and effective in their practice and to uphold our professional standards.
The main functions of the Dietitian and Nutritionist Regulatory Council (DNRC) are to:
- set the strategic plan for regulatory functions of the profession
- define and regulate professional conduct and credentialing standards
- oversee complaints against our credentialed dietitians and nutritionists
- govern accreditation standards and accreditation of training programs
- govern qualifications for entry into the profession
View the DNRC Terms of Reference.
DNRC composition
The DNRC comprises of 7 voting members appointed by the Dietitians Australia Board for a 3 year term.
The composition of the DNRC will include:
- Chairperson: appointed by the Board from among the dietetic members of the Council for a three-year term. The Chairperson cannot concurrently hold office as a Director of Dietitians Australia.
- Deputy Chairperson: a member of the Council appointed by the Council, serving concurrently with the Chairperson's term.
- Members: 7 voting members, including the Chair, appointed by the Board for a 3 year term with an option for a second 3 year term, comprising:
- 5 senior dietitians
- 2 external representatives: 1 member with accreditation and/or credentialling expertise from another profession and 1 representative with regulatory experience.
- To ensure continuity of membership, 2 dietitian members and 1 of the external appointees shall retire after the first year as determined by lot but are eligible to be appointed.
- Secretariat: as appointed by the CEO (non-voting).
- Staff: Head of Regulatory Services (non-voting).
BSc, MNutDiet, MPH, Grad Cert Hlth Prof Ed, PhD, FDA, PFHEA

Claire is the Associate Dean Learning and Teaching in the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia.
As an active Fellow of the profession, Claire has held numerous leadership positions including Dietitians Australia Board Director from 2007 to 2011, previous Chair of the Australian Dietetics Council and Associate Editor for Nutrition & Dietetics journal.
She has forged a research career in competency-based assessment and workforce development and has led the trans-Tasman community of practice for dietetics educators that seeks to advance research and its translation to practice in dietetics education.
Claire has been an academic since 2004 and graduated over 1000 students into the profession. Her exceptional work in this area has been recognised through award of a national teaching citation (2016), teaching excellence award (2017), and a national office for learning and teaching fellowship (2014).

Deanne Harris is an Advanced Accredited Practicing Dietitian (AdvAPD) and Allied Health Manager Tamworth Rural Referral Hospital, Hunter New England Local Health District (LHD) with over 30 years clinical experience as a rural practitioner based in Tamworth NSW.
In her role as Profession Lead with Hunter New England Local Health District, Deanne oversees dietetics governance across a large and diverse geographical region.
She is a conjoint lecturer at the University of Newcastle and the Dietitian representative on the Australian and New Zealand Eating Academy of Eating Disorders credential governing council. . She is also the Vice Convenor for the Dietitians Australia Eating Disorders Interest Group.
Deanne has previously held the role of Vice-Chair of the Dietetics Credentialing Council and is an active accreditation review team member for Australian dietetic education programs.
Deanne is passionate about creating a skilled and safe dietetic workforce, including the importance of clinical supervision for all. She is also an advocate for dietitians in rural practice.
AdvAPD, BSc, MBA, Grad Dip

Kim Tikellis is an Advanced Accredited Practicing Dietitian with over 25 years food industry experience in consumer education and food promotion, at diverse companies including Heinz Wattie’s, National Foods, Fonterra and Simplot. Kim gained food regulatory experience working for the federal government in food regulation at FSANZ plus marketing activation experience at Dairy Australia and Nestlé Healthcare Nutrition.
Adding to her diverse skill set, Kim has successfully developed & executed a retail brand strategy for health & wellness for Coles Group Supermarkets. Performing her current role requires creating integrated strategic nutrition leadership to help deliver the Coles vision for healthier & happier Australians.
Kim is a past-President of ILSI International Life Sciences Institute Australasia, and a selection committee member for ONLP Oceanic Nutrition Leadership program. She is an affiliate lecturer at Monash University and co-convenor of the non-affiliated Food Industry Nutrition Group in Victoria. Kim was peer nominated for participation in the Healthy Food Partnership Communication and Education working group (since dissolved) and has recently participated as a member of the Commonwealth Government Technical Advisory Group to the Health Star Rating 5 year review for Front of Pack labelling.

Danielle is Professor of Nutrition and Dietetics and Director of the Centre for Childhood Nutrition Research in the Faculty of Health, School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences at Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane Australia. She has been a member of Dietitians Australia since 1988 and as a Fellow of the profession has contributed at local and national levels, was previously on the Board of Directors and is currently elected to the Board of the International Confederation of Dietetic Associations.
As an academic since 2008 she has led a nutrition science and dietetics program, taught undergraduate and postgraduate students, supervised over 22 PhD students all now contributing to research and teaching in various ways, has helped to establish the dietetic profession in Vietnam and is known for her research at the intersection of nutrition, food systems and social justice.
AdvAPD, FDA, BSc(Hons), Dip.Nutr&Diet, PhD

Eleanor is the Head of School of Health Sciences in the Faculty of Medicine and Health at University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. Eleanor is a Fellow of Dietitians Australia and immediate past Chair of the Council of Deans of Nutrition and Dietetics (Australia New Zealand). She has more than 30 years of experience in clinical practice and dietetics education, including engagement in development of competency standards, assessment processes and accreditation standards, as well as leadership of dietetics education programs.
Eleanor’s research includes advocacy for all health professionals to have enhanced nutrition knowledge to improve population health outcomes. Her other research focus includes strategies on ways to encourage individuals to consume more whole grains. This includes work on systems to assist food choices such as categorisation of foods, nutrient profiling systems, whole grain food definitions, and fortification and processing of grains. This is recognised in her leadership of working parties for the global Whole Grain Initiative.

GAICD; M Bus; Grad Dip Mgt; BAppSc (Sp Path); Life Member SPA
Gail is highly experienced across the allied health and professional association sectors over 40-plus years, much of which involved the executive management and governance of health and allied health peak body organisations, and high-level representation and advocacy across health, disability, early childhood and aged care sectors.
Most recently, Gail was the Chief Executive Officer of Speech Pathology Australia, which included oversight of the key functions and processes for professional competency standards, regulation, certification, university accreditation and ethical conduct.
Additionally, Gail held Director positions with Allied Health Professions Australia and the National Alliance of Self Regulating Health Professions. Supporting broader allied health representation, Gail received ministerial appointments to the Federal Government’s Primary Health Reform and 10 Year Plan Steering Committee, and the National Aged Care Advisory Council.
Gail maintains a high level of passion around the governance and regulation of health professions, with an emphasis on ensuring the community has access to and benefits from evidence-based and quality health services. Recently, Gail was also appointed as Independent Chair of the AASW Accreditation Council.
Gail's qualifications include a Master of Business, Graduate Diploma of Management, Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) and Graduate Australian Institute of Company Directors, and in 2023 was awarded Life Membership of Speech Pathology Australia.

Tanya Trevena is a compassionate, curious and outcome-oriented Executive Leader with wealth of transformation-related experiences gained across GM operational roles within health, aged care and community services. Tanya has built a reputation for solving complex problems and leading multifaceted change management across industries and environments. Tanya sets teams up for success with clear expectations, a vision, and trust to deliver the outcomes with necessary governance, systems and processes in place. Tanya is passionate about making a difference, and ensuring services are sustainable for the long term. In her spare time, Tanya can be found walking her dog, doing Pilates, sensibly enjoying a glass of red wine, exploring the world, reading and learning, supporting children in foster care, or finding a small project around the house.
Further information
For further information on the DNRC please contact