Accrediting university courses ensures a high standard of dietetics education in Australia. An accredited dietetics program must meet and maintain our accreditation standards. The standards are outlined in this policy.

Using the accreditation standards

There are 4 accreditation standards outlined. Each standard is defined by elements.

Universities need to demonstrate that they can meet each element of the standards to be eligible for accreditation. Once accredited they must continue to meet each element to maintain accreditation status.

The standards cover:

  • Program management
  • Staffing
  • Curriculum
  • Professional Placement Program

Download the Accreditation Standards for Dietetics Education Programs.

Other accreditation documents

Our accreditation documents have been developed for universities that are planning to run or are running dietetics education programs.

There are 3 documents relating to the accreditation of dietetic programs.

Universities developing a new dietetics program will need to apply for program qualification before applying for accreditation. This is outlined in the Process for Qualification of New Dietetics Education Programs.

Get in touch

If you have questions about accrediting your dietetics course, contact us at

We accredit university programs to ensure a high standard of dietetics education in Australia. Learn how to accredit your university's dietetics programs.
Our fees for the accreditation of a dietetic education program and to maintain the accreditation. See our fees.
A full list of dietetics programs accredited by Dietitians Australia. You usually need an accredited degree to become an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD).