Dietitians Australia is joining the public health community to commend the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sport for their bold recommendations on food and nutrition action in the Parliamentary Inquiry Report into Diabetes tabled in Parliament this week.

1.3 million Australians live with diabetes, with First Nations, regional and remote Australians disproportionately impacted.

While unhealthy eating patterns are one of the leading preventable risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

“We warmly welcome the Committee’s deeply considered 23 recommendations, focused on preventing diabetes and demonstrating a commitment to being more innovative with how we treat and support those living with the condition,” Dietitians Australia President Tara Diversi said.

“Dietitians Australia has long been advocating for an increase in the number of Medicare item numbers for dietitians and allied health providers for people living with chronic conditions, including diabetes.

“It is heartening to see the Committee backing this approach, with increased access to dietitians and allied health professionals forming part of Recommendation 12. 

“We thank Dr Mike Freelander MP and the Committee for the courageous recommendations in the Report targeted at breaking down the barriers Australians face when it comes to eating well.

“These include recommendations to introduce a sugar-sweetened beverage reformulation levy, improve the front-of-pack nutrition labelling, and restrict the marketing of unhealthy food to children.

“We will continue to call on the Government for a comprehensive approach to nutrition management in this country, and this Report highlights several actions that would form part of a suite of measures in our new National Nutrition Policy. 

“These recommendations, if implemented and deeply committed to, will have widespread impacts on the health and wellbeing of all Australians, not only those at risk of and living with diabetes, but other diet related preventable conditions.

“We encourage the Government when handing down its response to the Review to think outside of the election cycle and make decisions that will benefit the health and wellbeing of Australians for generations to come.

For media enquiries and interviews, contact our Media Manager on 0409 661 920.

Note to Editors: Dietitians Australia is the leading voice in nutrition and dietetics, representing dietitians nationally and advocating for healthier communities. Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) is the only national credential recognised by the Australian Government as the quality standard for nutrition and dietetics services in Australia.