19 Apr 2022
A recent report from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) has confirmed that unhealthy eating is the new smoking with ‘overweight and obesity’ the number one risk factor contributing…
07 Apr 2022
A recent Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission’s sector performance report has revealed an increase in complaints against aged care operators, with 1517 received in the quarter September 2021, to…
30 Mar 2022
Health and wellbeing advocates from around the nation are applauding the Federal Government’s acknowledgement of the need for a National Nutrition Policy framework to strategically address the ailing…
27 Mar 2022
Six and a half planet Earths would be needed to produce food by 2050 if the world were to adopt Australia’s eating habits.   A recently published position statement by Dietitians Australia revealed…
24 Mar 2022
One in six adults in New South Wales are food insecure, while children are missing meals1, leading to a nutrition crisis that needs immediate action. At this week’s hearing of the NSW Inquiry into…