Our Code of Conduct sets out our expectations for the professional behaviour of Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs). We expect all APDs and members to follow our code.
The Code includes 7 principles of conduct. The principles are described with guidance on how to apply them in practice.
The 7 principles are:
- Legal compliance
- Client-centred and evidence-based practice
- Cultural practice and respectful relationships
- Professional behaviour
- Teaching, supervising, mentoring and assessing
- Research
- Health and wellbeing

Who does this Code apply to?
The Code applies to Dietitians Australia members and dietitians who hold APD status, regardless of whether they are a Dietitians Australia member.
A breach of this Code may result in a complaint being made against an APD or Dietitians Australia member. Read our complaints process.
Download our Code of Conduct for Dietitians and Nutritionists
Updating the Code
The Code of Conduct was reviewed in 2021 and replaced the following 4 documents:
- Code of Professional Conduct – for members with Australian recognised dietetic qualifications, and non-members with APD status (March 2013)
- Code of Professional Conduct – for members without Australian recognised dietetic qualifications and non-member Accredited Nutritionists (Oct 2011)
- Statement of Ethical Practice – for members with Australian recognised dietetic qualifications and non-members with APD status (Dec 2014)
- Statement of Ethical Practice – for members without Australian recognised dietetic qualifications and non-member Accredited Nutritionists (Oct 2011)
Get in touch
If you have any questions about the Code of Conduct contact credentialing@dietitiansaustralia.org.au