Submission to Department of Health and Aged Care in response to consultation
In the proposed regulation for aged care, Dietitians Australia considers it vital to introduce provider-specific conditions for home delivered meals and centre-based meal programs as part of the registration requirements, to ensure older people receive food and drinks that meet their nutritional needs, are appetising and flavoursome, have variation and choice about what they eat and drink.
In terms of registration for allied health professionals working in aged care, we propose the introduction of a streamlined and harmonious system for allied health professionals which draws on professional registration already in place by allied health peak bodies or the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).
The streamlined model for allied health professionals working in aged care as employees, sub-contractors or sole providers would permit allied health practitioners with a professional registration or equivalent (certification, credentialling etc) to work in aged care, pending a signed declaration to: adhere to the Code of Conduct for Aged Care; comply with the Aged Care Quality Standards for clinical care; and deliver services consistently with rights and principles in the new Aged Care Act.
To read more, download our submission.
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