Accrediting university programs ensures a high standard of dietetics education in Australia. University programs must meet our standards to achieve accreditation. It usually takes about 12 months to get a program accredited.
We work with universities to ensure their dietetics programs meet the profession's needs, now and into the future.
We evaluate accredited programs against the National Competency Standards for Dietitians.
To become an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD), graduates need to hold an accredited degree.
We ensure a high standard of dietetic education through our accreditation process and standards.
Dietitians Australia's role
Dietitians Australia is the accrediting authority for dietetics degrees in Australia. We review and accredit university programs in line with our standards.
Dietitian and Nutritionist Regulatory Council's role
The Dietitian and Nutritionist Regulatory Council (DNRC) is the governance arm of our accreditation program. The DNRC gives expert, independent and strategic advice on accreditation and recognition matters.
On this page:
Accreditation standards
An accredited dietetics program must meet and maintain our accreditation standards.
Read our full Accreditation Standards for Dietetics Education Programs.
Accrediting a dietetics program
Accreditation process
Our accreditation processes explain what's involved in accrediting a dietetics program.
Our processes cover:
- accredited with conditions
- accredited
- termination and withdrawal
Programs will be accredited with or without conditions.
Accredited periods can be up to 5 years.
Applications are due around 9 months prior to accreditation expiry.
Accreditation usually takes about 12 months from the time of your application.
Key accreditation stages
- University submits an accreditation application.
- Review of application and requests for further information.
- Hold a site visit.
- Conduct professional stakeholder surveys.
- Complete review report.
- Make a final decision.
The timeline can vary depending on the program
A university must notify us of any changes to a program. This includes a program that is the subject of:
- an accreditation status
- an application for an accreditation status
You must notify the DNRC in writing of any changes to
The below table is a guide on what and when changes should be reported.
Major change |
Minor change |
Any significant change to the existing program or its delivery that may affect adherence to the Accreditation Standards or competence of graduates, such as, but not limited to, staffing, enrolments, curriculum, placements and assessment. A major change may include, but is not limited to, any one or more of the following:
To determine if a change is considered a ‘major change’, the DNRC may request further information. If there are one or more major changes determined by the DNRC, re-assessment of the accreditation status may be needed. |
Any change to a program that doesn't impact its accreditation or competence of graduates due to factors such as staffing, enrolments, curriculum, placements and assessment A minor change may include, but is not limited to, any one or more of the following:
When to notify us |
When to notify us |
You must notify us before the changes are implemented.
There is an opportunity to provide minor updates (including a response to previous accreditation recommendations) in the annual report. |
Processes for Accreditation of Dietetics Education Programs.
Read our full Processes for Accreditation of Dietetics Education Programs.
Accrediting new dietetics programs
If you're developing a new dietetics program, you first need to undergo pre-accreditation.
The Accreditation of new programs will now occur at least twelve months prior to students enrolling in a Program. At this point a program will be Accredited with conditions.
Providing evidence for your course
Our evidence guide helps you understand how to show that your program meets the accreditation standards.
Read our full Evidence Guide for Dietetics Education Program Providers.
Fee schedule
We charge fees for accrediting a dietetic education program.
See our current accreditation fees.
Get in touch
If you have questions about accrediting your dietetics program, contact us at