Once you have an approved DSR assessment, you need to sit our 2 dietetic exams. The first is our multiple-choice question (MCQ) exam. The second is our oral exam. You must pass both exams to get your DSR.

MCQ exam

The multiple-choice question (MCQ) exam is the first of 2 exams you need to pass to get your DSR.

You must have an approved DSR assessment before you can apply to sit the MCQ exam.

The MCQ exam assesses your ability to practise dietetics in Australia. Exam questions can cover any area of dietetic practice and the National Competency Standards.

Learn more about the MCQ exam.

MCQ exam important dates

Applications for the March 2024 MCQ exam have closed. The next MCQ exam will be 4 September 2024.

Final date for eligible DSR candidates to apply for the September exam: 25 July 2024.

Final date for new DSR assessment applications for eligibility to sit the September 2024 exam: 14 June 2024.

Discover how to apply for your DSR assessment

Apply to sit the MCQ exam

When your assessment has been approved, you will receive an email with instructions on how to apply to sit the MCQ exam.

To learn more about how to apply, see our process for overseas-educated dietitians.

If you cancel your exam, you might pay a cancellation fee. Find out about fees for the MCQ exam.

Oral exam

The oral exam is the final exam you need to pass to get your DSR.

You must pass the MCQ exam before you can apply to sit the oral exam.

The oral exam assesses your ability to practise dietetics in Australia. The exam can cover any area of dietetic practice and the National Competency Standards.

All oral exams are held online via Zoom.

Oral exam important dates

Our next oral exams will be on Tuesday 22 and Thursday 24 Octoer 2024. If needed we will also schedule Wednesday 23 October.

If you are eligible, applications for these exams are now open.

You must apply to sit the next oral exam by 1 October 2024. We can't accept late applications to sit the exam.

There will be another sitting Tuesday 6 and Thursday 8 May 2025. If needed we will also schedule Wednesday 7 May 2024.

Dates can change

Our oral exam dates can change because of scheduling. Please check the dates on this page in the lead up to your exam.

If you've already applied for your exam, we'll contact you if your date changes.

Apply to sit the oral exam

When you have passed the MCQ exam, you will receive an email with instructions on how to apply to sit the oral exam.

To learn more about how to apply, see our process for overseas-educated dietitians.

If you cancel your exam, you might pay a cancellation fee. Find out about fees for the oral exam.

Preparing for your exams

Before your exams, you should study to refresh your dietetic knowledge and learn how dietitians practise in Australia.

We have many study resources you can use to help you prepare for your exam.

The DSR process

Learn more about the DSR process for overseas-educated dietitians.

Get in touch

If you have questions about your DSR exams, contact us at dsr@dietitiansaustralia.org.au

Refresh your dietetics knowledge and learn about practising dietetics in Australia with our resources to help you prepare for your MCQ and oral exams.
Learn what to expect in your MCQ dietetics exam including the exam format, scope and assessment. And download our sample exam questions and answers.
Learn what to expect in your oral dietetics exam including the exam format, scope and assessment.