As Australia's peak body for dietitians, we represent our members and our profession. We raise awareness about the importance of nutrition in public health. Our advocacy and policy work helps us support Australia's healthcare needs.

We advocate for the role of Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs). APDs treat a range of health conditions and give expert advice on nutrition and dietary issues. They help Australians stay healthy and well.

Nutritional health is a key public health issue. We work with all levels of government, government agencies and other peak bodies to influence health policy. Our expert advice can help improve the health of all Australians.

Our latest policy and advocacy work

We promote better community healthcare by advocating for key areas of nutritional health.

Right now, our advocacy priority areas are aged care, disability, healthy and sustainable diets, and mental health.

For policy and advocacy questions contact us at


Released May 2019 - We support the expansion of access to health services for people with mental health disorders, including access to APDs. Our submission is in response to the Report from the Mental Health Reference Group as part of the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) Taskforce Review.


Released July 2021 - Our response to Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) on the composition and labelling of electrolyte drinks. Dietitians have an important role in the food system to support consumers to identify healthier food options and companies with product formulation, marketing, consumer education and compliance.


Released July 2021 - Dietitians Australia has submitted feedback to Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) on infant formula standards. The FSANZ P1208 Proposal aims to revise and clarify standards relating to infant formula. Paper 1 addresses the safety and food technology of infant formula, from manufacture to preparation by caregivers.


Released July 2021 - Exposure to unhealthy food marketing is widely accepted to be a direct contributor to poor diets and unhealthy weight gain in childhood. We support the development of an international standard aligned with World Health Organization guidelines that puts the health and wellbeing of children first, and is free from commercial interests.


Released July 2021- Dietitians Australia supports the recommendation of the Primary Health Reform Steering Group for the development of a Primary Health Care 10 Year Plan.