As Australia's peak body for dietitians, we represent our members and our profession. We raise awareness about the importance of nutrition in public health. Our advocacy and policy work helps us support Australia's healthcare needs.

We advocate for the role of Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs). APDs treat a range of health conditions and give expert advice on nutrition and dietary issues. They help Australians stay healthy and well.

Nutritional health is a key public health issue. We work with all levels of government, government agencies and other peak bodies to influence health policy. Our expert advice can help improve the health of all Australians.

Our latest policy and advocacy work

We promote better community healthcare by advocating for key areas of nutritional health.

Right now, our advocacy priority areas are aged care, disability, healthy and sustainable diets, and mental health.

For policy and advocacy questions contact us at

Position statement (joint)

Released November 2020 - We, along with a group of public health and consumer advocates, released a statement in response to the AANA Food & Beverages Advertising Code Review. Any action to address the high levels of marketing of unhealthy products to children in Australia must come in the form of legislation supported by the Government.

Position statement (joint)

Released November 2019 - Joint statement of public health and consumer groups on the Health Star Rating five year review. Research suggests the system is performing well. Our statement gives recommendations on how the initiative can be strengthened.

Position statement (joint)

Released September 2017 - Fitness services are often expected to also offer nutrition advice. This has created a need for balance between an appropriate level of nutrition advice to the client, without giving information beyond their professional scope of practice.

Position statement (joint)

Released 2017 - A joint statement of intent committing to equality in health status and life expectancy between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous Australians by the year 2030.

Position statement (joint)

Released November 2016 - Call for action to address food security for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.