As Australia's peak body for dietitians, we represent our members and our profession. We raise awareness about the importance of nutrition in public health. Our advocacy and policy work helps us support Australia's healthcare needs.

We advocate for the role of Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs). APDs treat a range of health conditions and give expert advice on nutrition and dietary issues. They help Australians stay healthy and well.

Nutritional health is a key public health issue. We work with all levels of government, government agencies and other peak bodies to influence health policy. Our expert advice can help improve the health of all Australians.

Our latest policy and advocacy work

We promote better community healthcare by advocating for key areas of nutritional health.

Right now, our advocacy priority areas are aged care, disability, healthy and sustainable diets, and mental health.

For policy and advocacy questions contact us at


Sent September 2021 - Dietitians Australia wrote to Dr Marisa Paterson MLA, Member for Murrumbidgee, requesting a meeting to discuss support services for eating disorders and improved access to the Eating Disorders Program


Sent October 2021 - A coalition of health organisations, including Dietitians Australia, presented a policy plan to improve public health. This was an open letter sent to the Prime Minister, the Hon Scott Morrison MP, and the Hon. Greg Hunt MP, Minister for Health.


Sent November 2021 - A coalition of health organisations, including Dietitians Australia, wrote to the Prime Minister of Australia regarding the outcomes of the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow.


Released April 2021 - We support the foundations and goals of the draft National Preventive Health Strategy. Our submission gives recommendations to strengthen the strategy as we continue to advocate for an up-to-date national nutrition policy.


Released March 2021 - The Australian Dietary Guidelines should be reviewed regularly to ensure the promotion of the health outcomes of Australians, using the most up-to-date evidence and research. Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs) play a crucial role in the development, implementation and evaluation of the guidelines.