Browse our range of healthy recipes. From soups and snacks to smoothies and salads, these recipes are simple, quick and delicious. Browse by course, cuisine or ingredient.

Risotto on a white plate
Risotto Main course Mediterranean Chicken Mushroom Rice Tomato

Recipe for Mediterranean style risotto, with mushrooms and leek.

Ezogelin Çorbası - Turkish spicy red lentil soup
Soup Winter Main course Turkish Garlic Herbs Legumes Lentils Rice Spices Tomato Vegetables

Recipe for Ezogelin Çorbası, a spicy Turkish red lentil soup made with red lentils, tomato, Bulgur and rice.

Sweetcorn and zucchini potato cakes with pieces of avocado on top.
Budget Quick and easy Vegetarian Light meals and lunch Side dishes Eggs Potato Zucchini

Recipe for sweetcorn and zucchini potato cakes. Serve with Greek yoghurt, avocado and baby spinach leaves.

Red lentil hommus served with celery and carrot.
Family friendly Quick and easy Spring Summer Side dishes Snacks Middle Eastern Garlic Lentils

A simple recipe for hommus made with red lentils and tahini.

Pumpkin and beetroot salad on a white serving dish.
Barbeque Gluten free Spring Summer Vegetarian Side dishes Vegetables and salads Mediterranean Beetroot Pumpkin

Recipe for salad with pumpkin and beetroot salad. Serve as a side salad for your next barbeque.